Our aim is to elucidate the concept of Industrial Defence Diplomacy in today's context, set against the backdrop of significant geopolitical shifts like the Ukraine conflict. Furthermore, we strive to understand its interplay in a technologically advanced era where the boundaries between commercial and defence technologies are increasingly indistinct.
Monday, December 11, 2023, 0800 – 1700 (ET) in Partnership with the Canadian War Museum, Canadian Defence Review (CDR), and NATO Headquarters (Brussels) and Allied Command Transformation (Norfolk).
The concept of Industrial Defence Diplomacy (IDD) as an evolving notion will be introduced by the NATO and further elaborated on by the NATO Supreme Allied Command Transformation in their interview segments. IDD and Industry engagements led by the Government of Canada through various government-funded programs all aim to encourage innovation, technological advancements, and shared risk-taking.
By redefining the concept for a more agile and enhanced ecosystem for Canada's defence industry, the Conference seeks to bring together leaders from NATO, the Government of Canada, the finance community, and industry champions into a unifying discussion to achieve a coherent policy position between the various stakeholder groups.
This Conference Event is to be opened by Senior NATO Officials from Brussels and Norfolk (USA) and Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC), setting the tone for the day with an emphasis on the convergence of innovation and national security.
The first Panel, "Unpacking NATO DIANA," will take a deep dive into NATO's Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic (DIANA) Initiative. The discussion will revolve around the application, impact, and future direction of this significant program, helping to demystify its purpose and highlighting the ways in which DIANA will influence the global defence landscape.
The second Panel, "The Role of Finance in Innovation," is to feature a dynamic discussion among finance experts, venture capitalists, and innovators on the symbiotic relationship between financial backing, technological breakthroughs, and security. The conversation will touch on investment strategies, risk mitigation, and fostering an environment conducive to financial and technological growth.
The third and final Panel, "Successful Dual-Use Technology Companies," will see company executives share their experiences and insights on the successful application of dual-use technologies. The conversation's goal is to underscore the potential for these technologies to transform both commercial and defence sectors and highlight the need for cross-industry collaboration.
During the lunch intermission, a Fireside Chat will address the role of "Academia in Technology, Innovation, and National Defence." Respected academicians and industry stalwarts deliberate on the vital part universities play in policy formulation, technological advancements, and defence strategies, emphasizing the need for a robust academia-industry-defence collaboration.
The lunch intermission will be followed by remarks from Transatlantic Emerging Leaders (TEL), Federal Fleet Services and the Business Council of Canada, who will kick-start the afternoon Marketplace segment, an interactive showcase of new technologies and their potential applications in both the commercial and defence sectors.
Aliénor Peyrefitte, President, TEL, Thank You to NATO Industry Conference Title Sponsor, Federal Fleet Services and Introduction to Presenter John Schmidt, President and CEO, Federal Fleet Services
1200 Closing Remarks by Brett Kitchen, Publisher, Canadian Defence Review Magazine
0815-0830 Location: Barney Danson Theatre
• Welcome Remarks – Goran Samuel Pesic, Chair, PIF
• Land Acknowledgment and Smudging Ceremony – Wolf Lake First Nation Chief Lisa Robinson* and Grand Chief of the Algonquin Nation Programs and Services Secretariat
• Introductory Speech on the Important Role of War History, Mandate of the Museum, and Introduction to the Minister of National Defence – Caroline Dromaguet, President and CEO, Canadian War Museum
1200-1300 Location: Lobby
Transition from Barney Danson Theatre to Lobby for a Sponsored Lunch with Light Refreshments and Drinks
0830-0845 Keynote Speech from Government of Canada – The Honourable Bill Blair*, Minister of National Defence (pending confirmation from the Minister’s Office)
0845-0900 Conference Opening
· Interview with Mircea Geoană*, NATO Deputy Secretary, NATO (In-person/Online/Pre-recorded Video) with Vice-Admiral (Ret'd) Mark Norman
· Interview with Général Philippe Lavigne, Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (SACT) (Online Participation/Pre-recorded Video) with Vice-Admiral (Ret'd) Mark Norman
1215-1245 Fireside Chat – Academia in Technology, Innovation, and National Defence
Moderator: Dr. Philippe Lagassé, Barton Chair, Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University
• Aaron Shull, Managing Director and General Counsel, Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
• Dr. Sarah-Myriam Martin-Brûlé, Full Professor, Bishop University
• Dr. Alex S. Wilner Ph.D., Associate Professor of International Affairs Expertise Deterrence Theory and Strategic Studies, Carleton University
0900-0945 Panel 1 – Unpacking DIANA: Reinvigorating NATO’s Industry Relations
Moderator: Fatima Atik, Executive Director, PIF
• Wendy Gilmour*, Assistant Secretary General for Defence Investment, NATO
• Deeph Chana*, Managing Director (UK regional office), NATO DIANA
• Philippe Hébert, Director General Innovation, DRDC, & Canadian Board Member, NATO DIANA
• Barbara McQuiston, Chairwoman, NATO DIANA Board, US Government
• Duncan Stewart, Partner, Deep Tech Venture Fund, Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC)
1300-1315 Introduction to Guest Speaker by Goran Samuel Pesic, Chair, PIF
NATO's Public Diplomacy: Engaging with the Private Sector
Marie-Doha Besancenot, Assistant Secretary General for Public Diplomacy, NATO
0945-1015 Sponsored Coffe Break
1015-1100 Panel 2 - Funding Defence Innovation: The Role of Finance in Enabling Technology Development and Commercialization
Moderator: Claude Robillard, Founder and Principal, 43 North Group
• Blake C. Goldring,Exeutive Chairman, AGF Management Limited
• Thomas Park, Partner, Deep Tech Venture Fund, Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC)
• Catherine Blewett, President, Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)
• The Honourable Rona Ambrose*, Deputy Chairwoman, TD Securities
• Andrea Traversone, Managing Partner, NATO Innovation Fund
• Glenn Cowan, Founder and Managing Partner, One9
1315-1330 Canadian Business Industry Remarks and Introduction to the ISED Minister – Goldy Hyder, President and CEO, Business Council of Canada
1330-1400 Special Marketplace Kick-off Speaker - The Honourable Francois-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) (pending confirmation from the Minister's Office)
1400-1600 Marketplace Begins
Location: Lobby
Open floor meetings between participating companies, financers, NATO, and Government of Canada officials
1600 End of Program
1100-1115 Health Break
0730: Doors Open and Registration Begins at the Canadian War Museum – 1 Vimy Place, Ottawa
0800: Sponsored Refreshments Served
0815-0830: Location: Barney Danson Theater
Welcome Remarks – Goran Samuel Pesic, Chair, PIF
Land Acknowledgment and Smudging Ceremony – Wolf Lake First Nation Chief Lisa Robinson and Grand Chief of the Algonquin Nation Programs and Services Secretariat (invited)
Introductory Speech on the Important Role of War History, Mandate of the Museum, and Introduction to the Minister of National Defence – Caroline Dromaguet, President and CEO, Canadian War Museum
0830-0845: Keynote Speech from Government of Canada – The Honourable Bill Blair, Minister of National Defence (invited)
0845-0900: Conference Opening
Interview with Mircea Geoană, NATO Deputy Secretary, NATO
Interview with Général Philippe Lavigne, Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (SACT)
0900-0945: Panel 1 – Unpacking DIANA: Reinvigorating NATO’s Industry Relations
0945-1015: Sponsored Coffee Break
1015-1100: Panel 2 – Funding Defence Innovation: The Role of Finance in Enabling Technology Development and Commercialization
1100-1115 Health Break
1115-1200: Panel 3 – Industry Leaders from Dual-Use Technology Companies
1200: Closing Remarks by Brett Kitchen, Publisher, Canadian Defence Review Magazine
1200-1300: Location: Lobby
Transition from Barney Danson Theatre to Lobby for a Sponsored Lunch with Light Refreshments and Drinks
1215-1245: Fireside Chat – Academia in Technology, Innovation, and National Defence
1300-1315: Introduction to Guest Speaker by Goran Samuel Pesic, Chair, PIF
NATO's Public Diplomacy: Engaging with the Private Sector
1315-1330: Canadian Business Industry Remarks and Introduction to the ISED Minister – Goldy Hyder, President and CEO, Business Council of Canada
1330-1400: Special Marketplace Kick-off Speaker – The Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) (invited)
1400-1600: Location: Lobby
Marketplace Begins
Open floor meetings between participating companies, financers, NATO, and Government of Canada officials
1600: Program Ends
• Paid Underground Parking available at the Canadian War Museum.
• Showroom set up by Marketplace participating companies to occur on Sunday, December 10, 2023, 1500-1800.
• The Event is open to those who have registered. The morning half will take place in the Barney Danson Theatre; then,Participants will move for Lunch in the Main Lobby where the Marketplace will commence.
• This premier Event will assemble diverse thought leaders and stakeholders from industry, banking, finance, Canadian and foreign government officials, think tanks, and academia, totaling approximately 330 attendees.
• The Event will feature Keynote Speakers with a Marketplace segment and networking reception.
This event will be held at the Canadian War Museum, 1 Vimy Place, Ottawa, ON K1A 0M8
• Aliénor Peyrefitte, alienor.peyrefitte@policyinsights.ca, (819) 955-1799, Conference Organizer
• Jonas LeBlanc-Wilmink, jlw@samuel.associates, (819) 444-8485, Marketplace Registration Contact
• Louis Romet, louis.romet@policyinsights.ca, (438) 462-1957, Conference Registration Contact
• Brett Kitchen (CDR Publisher), brett@canadiandefencereview.com, (416) 569-4480, Event Sponsorship and Media Contact
9:00AM – 9:10 AM (EST): Event Opening
Lieutenant General (Ret’d) Michel Maisonneuve
9:00AM – 9:10 AM (EST): Event Opening
Lieutenant General (Ret’d) Michel Maisonneuve
9:10AM – 9:30 AM (EST): Keynote Statement Interview from NATO Headquarters (Brussels)
Mircea Geoană, NATO Deputy Secretary General
9:10AM – 9:30 AM (EST): Replay - Summit Keynote Interview from NATO Headquarters (Brussels)
Mircea Geoană, NATO Deputy Secretary General
9:30AM – 9:35 AM (EST): Moderator Speaker Introduction
Lieutenant-General (Ret’d) Michel Maisonneuve
9:30AM – 9:35 AM (EST): Moderator Speaker Introduction
Lieutenant General (Ret’d) Michel Maisonneuve
9:35AM – 9:45 AM (EST): Germany Perspectives
Generalmajor Jürgen Setzer, Vice Chief of the Cyber - and Information Domain Service and Chief Information Security Officer of the Bundeswehr
9:35AM – 9:45 AM (EST): Special Speaker Opening Statement
Goldy Hyder, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Business Council of Canada (Canada)
9:45AM – 9:55 AM (EST): Canada Perspectives
Stephen Burt, Assistant Deputy Minister (Data, Innovation and Analytics) and Chief Data Officer for the Department of National Defence (Canada)
9:45AM – 9:55 AM (EST):
Kevin Ford, President and Chief Executive Officer of Calian (Canada)
9:55AM – 10:05 AM (EST): France Perspectives
Général Philippe de Montenon, général de brigade, Adjoint au Commandant de la Cyberdéfense
9:55AM –10:05 AM (EST):
Emiliano Kargieman, Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Satellogic (Argentina)
10:05AM –10:15 AM (EST): United Kingdom Perspectives
Air Vice-Marshal Tim Neal-Hopes OBE, Director of Cyber, Intelligence and Information Integration for the UK Ministry of Defence
10:05AM – 10:15 AM (EST):
Angela Heise, Corporate Vice President for Defence & Intelligence of Microsoft (USA)
10:15AM – 10:25 AM (EST): Moderator Summary of Speakers’ Perspectives
Lieutenant General (Ret’d) Michel Maisonneuve
10:15AM –10:25 AM (EST):
Chris Pogue, Chief Executive Officer of Thales Canada (France)
10:25AM – 10:30 AM (EST): Tribute to Dr. Robert Spencer, a 101-Year-Old Canadian WWII Veteran and Eminent Scholar
10:25AM – 10:30 AM (EST): Moderator Summary of Speakers’ Perspectives
Lieutenant General (Ret’d) Michel Maisonneuve
10:30AM (EST): Break
10:30AM (EST): Break
10:35AM – 10:40 AM (EST): Round Table Segment Introduction
Lieutenant General (Ret’d) Michel Maisonneuve
10:35AM – 10:40 AM (EST): Round Table Segment Introduction
Lieutenant General (Ret’d) Michel Maisonneuve
10:40AM – 11:35 AM (EST): Round Table Discussion
10:40AM – 11:35 AM (EST): Round Table Discussion
11:35AM (EST): Closing Remarks
Brett Kitchen, CDR Magazine Publisher
11:35AM (EST): Closing Remarks
Brett Kitchen, CDR Magazine Publisher
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